Current PhD Thesis Students:
Ashton East, "The Use of Machine Learning Technologies for Compiling Evidence of Opinio Juris in Customary International Law . Maastricht University. Co-supervised by Prof. Liesbeth Lijnzaad
Hellen van der Kroef, "Multilingual Legal Automation to assist EU Law-Making and Compliance". Law & Tech Lab, Maastricht University. Co-supervised by Prof. Gijs van Dijck and Dr. Daniel On. (September 2021 - Present)
Georgia Chapoupi, "The role of European Competition Law in an IoT enabled world: Addressing Anti-Competitive Behaviour in the Mobile Telecommunications Sector". Co-supervised by Prof. Anselm Sanders and Dr. Kalpana Tyagi
Current Student Research Assistants:
Mr. Eduard Konto, working on applying Large Language Models for case-law retrieval and legal text summarization for the FACILEX research project.
Mr. Fivos Tzavellos, working on Topic Modelling of European Court of Human Rights to create insights for domain experts in collaboration with Dr. Gustavo Arosemena.
Current Master Thesis Students:
1 . Mr. James Herity, "Fine-Tuning LLMs for Legal Question Answering", co-supervised by Dr. Kolawole Adebayo
Graduated Master Thesis Students:
Ivo Wings, "A Context-Aware Approach for Extracting Hard and Soft Skills". August 2021
Marcel Naudé, "A Machine Learning Approach to Detecting Fraudulent Job Types". August 2021
Richard Frissen, "A Machine Learning Approach to Recognize Bias and Discrimination in Job Advertisements". August 2021